Number of Virtual Meetings

Link Group managed 393 virtual meetings in 2020. 225 of these were AGMs for listed entities.

Average Questions Asked in Virtual Meetings

One of the main questions asked by clients before their virtual meeting was how many questions they could expect. On average, across all indices, there were 5 questions. The S&P/ASX100 had an average of 16 questions. This group had a lot of questions from organisations including the Bank Warriors.

The Australian Shareholder’s Association (ASA) was sent login details as well as their reports for each meeting where they were nominated as a proxy. Once logged in, the ASA lodged their questions via the virtual meeting portal. Some representatives of the ASA had also opted to forward their questions to the companies in advance.

Virtual Meeting Attendance

The statistics highlighted an increase in engagement and the ability to participate in meetings irrespective of the attendees location.

While shareholder numbers were down, we saw a high volume of employees log in for many of their own AGMs.